I always enjoy seeing what other moms are reading. I will admit, thought, that sharing adult books (especially ficiton) is a lot more intimidating than sharing children's books. Everyone has different opinions on what is "good".
I'll fill you in on a little of my outlook on adult books, but if you want a more in-depth version, you can click here.
First and foremost, I try to filter everything I read through this verse in the Bible: Philippians 4:8 - whatever is true, lovely, noble, right, excellent, of good report, things that are true and things that are pure - think on these things.
When I keep my focus on this verse, it is easier to discern whether I should be reading a specific book or not.
Purity: I choose to not read very many romance novels. Mostly because I do not think it is beneficial to me or my marriage.
Self-Help: I have found that many self-help books can be very "me" focused. Please hear me, I'm not lumping them all in a box, however, I do try to be careful what I read in this genre. That being said, I am all for learning how to grow and to continue working on becoming the person God wants me to be and I do have many favorite authors in this genre.
True Stories & Biographies: I think there has been a huge mindset that it doesn't matter what we read in this genre because it is a true story. I disagree. Just because it is a true story doesn't mean that it is exempt from the Biblical filter we may apply to other books.
General Fiction: This is by far my favorite genre, especially if it is based on historical figures or time periods. Once again, I try to run everything I read through a Biblical filter. I have found many wonderful authors that write beautiful, thought-provoking fiction.
I know to a lot of people, I will come across as very conservative-minded, however, I truly believe that it DOES matter what we read and what we allow to enter our hearts and minds.
I hope these book suggestions will bless you and encourage you that there are beautiful books out there. I will do my best to let you know anything questionable that is in the books and you can decide what best fits you or your family.